宝塔面板是一种基于 Linux 的网站管理面板,它是服务器管理者的得力助手,通过宝塔面板可以方便地完成网站环境部署、数据库操作、文件管理等一系列任务。它的优点是配合简单、使用方便,使得网站搭建成为易如反掌的事情。
1. 先查看宝塔面板是否已经启动。
systemctl status bt
systemctl start bt
2. 检查 MySQL 服务是否正常。
MySQL 是宝塔面板使用的数据库,如果该服务未正常运行,宝塔面板也无法启动。可以通过命令行检查 MySQL 服务的状态:
systemctl status mysql
如果服务未正常运行,可以使用以下命令强制启动 MySQL:
systemctl start mysql –force
3. 检查是否存在针对 MySQL 文件的操作。
有些情况下,可能是对 MySQL 数据库文件进行了意外的操作,比如清空了 MySQL 数据库的 binlog,这时候也会导致宝塔面板无法启动。在这种情况下,需要检查 MySQL 数据库的 binlog 是否存在,如果被清空,需要通过以下命令重建 binlog:
mysql -u root -p
SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0;
SET GLOBAL innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0;
cd /www/server/data/
cp -rp mysql mysql_backup
rm -fR mysql/*
mysql_install_db –user=mysql –basedir=/usr –datadir=/www/server/data/mysql
4. 检查程序文件是否受到修改或污染。
bt cleanup && bt update
Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB
我的是MariaDB 5.5。
Unknown/神举前unsupported storage engine: InnoDB
不支持innodb 你看看 配置答信文件中的游清innodb ?
MySQL 8.0 重新定义了错误日志输出和过滤,改善了原来臃肿并且可读性很差的错误日志。比如增加了 ON 输出,在原来的日志后面以序号以及 ON 后缀的方式展示。比如我机器上的 MySQL 以 ON 保存的错误日志 mysqld.log.00.json:# jq . mysqld.log.00.json{ “log_type”: 1, “prio”: 1, “err_code”: 12592, “subsystem”: “InnoDB”模碧侍, “msg”: “Operating system error number 2 in a file operation.”, “time”: “T08:16:12.111808Z”, “thread”: 8, “err_symbol”: “ER_IB_MSG_767”, “SQL_state”: “HY000”, “label”: “Error”}{ “log_type”: 1, “prio”: 1, “err_code”: 12593, “subsystem”: “InnoDB”, “msg”: “The error means the system cannot find the path specified.”, “time”: “T08:16:12.111915Z”, “thread”: 8, “err_symbol”: “ER_IB_MSG_768”, “SQL_state”: “HY000”, “label”: “Error”}{ “log_type”: 1, “prio”: 1, “err_code”: 12216, “subsystem”: “InnoDB”, “msg”: “Cannot open datafile for read-only: ‘./ytt2/a.ibd’ OS error: 71”, “time”: “T08:16:12.111933Z”, “thread”旦吵: 8, “err_symbol”: “ER_IB_MSG_391”, “SQL_state”: “HY000”, “label”: “Error”}以 ON 输出错误日志后可读性和可操作性增强了许多。这里可以慧哗用 Linux 命令 jq 或者把这个字串 COPY 到其他解析 ON 的工具方便处理。只想非常快速的拿出错误信息,忽略其他信息。# jq ‘.msg’ mysqld.log.00.json”Operating system error number 2 in a file operation.””The error means the system cannot find the path specified.””Cannot open datafile for read-only: ‘./ytt2/a.ibd’ OS error: 71″”Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.””Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.”使用 ON 输出的前提是安装 ON 输出部件。
完了在设置变量 SET GLOBAL log_error_services = ‘log_filter_internal; log_sink_json’;
格式为:过滤规则;日志输出;日志输出;查看安装好的部件mysql> select * from mysql.component;++——++| component_id | component_group_id | component_urn|++——++|| 1 ||++——++3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
现在设置 ON 输出,输出到系统日志的同时输出到 ON 格式日志。mysql> SET persist log_error_services = ‘log_filter_internal; log_sink_internal; log_sink_json’;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
来测试一把。我之前已经把表 a 物理文件删掉了。mysql> select * from a;ERROR 1812 (HY000): Tablespace is missing for table `ytt2`.`a`.
现在错误日志里有 5 条记录。
# tailf mysqld.log
T08:16:12.111808Z 8 Operating system error number 2 in a file operation.
T08:16:12.111915Z 8 The error means the system cannot find the path specified.
T08:16:12.111933Z 8 Cannot open datafile for read-only: ‘./ytt2/a.ibd’ OS error: 71
T08:16:12.112227Z 8 Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.
T08:16:14.902617Z 8 Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.
ON 日志里也有 5 条记录。
# tailf mysqld.log.00.json
{ “log_type” : 1, “prio” : 1, “err_code” : 12592, “subsystem” : “InnoDB”, “msg” : “Operating system error number 2 in a file operation.”, “time” : “T08:16:12.111808Z”, “thread” : 8, “err_symbol” : “ER_IB_MSG_767”, “SQL_state” : “HY000”, “label” : “Error” }
{ “log_type” : 1, “prio” : 1, “err_code” : 12593, “subsystem” : “InnoDB”, “msg” : “The error means the system cannot find the path specified.”, “time” : “T08:16:12.111915Z”, “thread” : 8, “err_symbol” : “ER_IB_MSG_768”, “SQL_state” : “HY000”, “label” : “Error” }
{ “log_type” : 1, “prio” : 1, “err_code” : 12216, “subsystem” : “InnoDB”, “msg” : “Cannot open datafile for read-only: ‘./ytt2/a.ibd’ OS error: 71”, “time” : “T08:16:12.111933Z”, “thread” : 8, “err_symbol” : “ER_IB_MSG_391”, “SQL_state” : “HY000”, “label” : “Error” }
{ “log_type” : 1, “prio” : 2, “err_code” : 12023, “subsystem” : “InnoDB”, “msg” : “Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.”, “time” : “T08:16:12.112227Z”, “thread” : 8, “err_symbol” : “ER_IB_MSG_224”, “SQL_state” : “HY000”, “label” : “Warning” }
{ “log_type” : 1, “prio” : 2, “err_code” : 12023, “subsystem” : “InnoDB”, “msg” : “Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.”, “time” : “T08:16:14.902617Z”, “thread” : 8, “err_symbol” : “ER_IB_MSG_224”, “SQL_state” : “HY000”, “label” : “Warning” }
mysql> SET persist log_error_services = ‘log_filter_internal; log_sink_internal; log_filter_dragnet;log_sink_json’;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
只保留 error,其余的一律过滤掉。SET GLOBAL dragnet.log_error_filter_rules = ‘IF prio>=WARNING THEN drop.’;
检索一张误删的表mysql> select * from a;ERROR 1812 (HY000): Tablespace is missing for table `ytt2`.`a`.
查看错误日志和 ON 错误日志发现错误日志里有一条 Warning,ON 错误日志里的被过滤掉了。T08:22:32.978728Z 8 Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`a` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.
再举个例子,每 60 秒只允许记录一个 Warning 事件mysql> SET GLOBAL dragnet.log_error_filter_rules = ‘IF prio==WARNING THEN throttle 1/60.’;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
多次执行mysql> select * from b;ERROR 1812 (HY000): Tablespace is missing for table `ytt2`.`b`.mysql> select * from b;ERROR 1812 (HY000): Tablespace is missing for table `ytt2`.`b`.mysql> select * from b;ERROR 1812 (HY000): Tablespace is missing for table `ytt2`.`b`.
现在错误日志里有三条 warning 信息
T08:49:06.820235Z 8 Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`b` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.
T08:49:31.455907Z 8 Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`b` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.
T08:50:00.430867Z 8 Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`b` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.
mysqld.log.00.json 只有一条{ “log_type” : 1, “prio” : 2, “err_code” : 12023, “subsystem” : “InnoDB”, “msg” : “Cannot calculate statistics for table `ytt2`.`b` because the .ibd file is missing. Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.”, “time” : “T08:49:06.820235Z”, “thread” : 8, “err_symbol” : “ER_IB_MSG_224”, “SQL_state” : “HY000”, “and_n_more” : 3, “label” : “Warning” }
总结,我这里简单介绍了下 MySQL 8.0 的错误日志过滤以及 ON 输出。MySQL 8.0 的component_log_filter_dragnet 部件过滤规则非常灵活,可以参考手册,根据它提供的语法写出自己的过滤掉的日志输出。
来源地址:宝塔数据库清空日志引起无法启动,如何解决? (宝塔清空数据库日志无法启动)