Silverlight与SQL数据库的兼容性及应用探究 (silverlight sql数据库)


Silverlight is a powerful development tool that allows developers to create rich internet applications that can run on multiple platforms. It is especially adept at enabling the creation of multimedia and interactive applications. One of the key components of Silverlight is its ability to work with a wide range of data sources. One of the most powerful data sources that Silverlight can work with is SQL databases. In this article, we will explore the compatibility of Silverlight with SQL databases and look at some of the applications of this compatibility.

The Compatibility of Silverlight with SQL Databases

When it comes to working with SQL databases in Silverlight, there are a few things that developers should keep in mind. For instance, Silverlight uses a client-side API for working with data, which means that it doesn’t have direct access to the underlying database. Instead, it communicates with a server-side component that handles the actual database interactions. This component can be implemented in a number of ways, including ASP.NET, WCF, and other web services.

Another important aspect of compatibility between Silverlight and SQL databases is the use of LINQ. LINQ is a versatile language extension that allows developers to write queries agnst data sources using a consistent and easy-to-understand syntax. It is fully supported in both Silverlight and SQL databases, which means that developers can write queries in Silverlight using the same syntax that they would in a traditional SQL environment.

Using Silverlight with SQL Databases

Now that we have a better understanding of the compatibility between Silverlight and SQL databases, let’s take a look at some of the practical applications of this compatibility.

One of the most common use cases for Silverlight and SQL databases is in the creation of line-of-business applications. These are applications that are designed to automate and improve the workflows of businesses. For example, a line-of-business application might be used to manage inventory, track customer orders, or perform other routine tasks. Silverlight’s ability to create rich and interactive user interfaces makes it an ideal choice for these types of applications, while the integration with SQL databases provides the necessary data storage and retrieval capabilities.

Another application of Silverlight and SQL databases is in the creation of multimedia-rich applications. This includes things like video and audio players as well as interactive games and animations. Developers can use Silverlight to create these applications and then use SQL databases to store and retrieve the multimedia content. This enables developers to create highly engaging and interactive applications that can be accessed by users on a wide range of platforms.


In conclusion, Silverlight is a powerful development tool that can be used to create rich internet applications that can run on multiple platforms. When it comes to working with data sources, Silverlight is fully compatible with a wide range of platforms, including SQL databases. This makes it an ideal choice for developers looking to create line-of-business applications as well as multimedia-rich applications. By leveraging the power of Silverlight and SQL databases, developers can create highly engaging applications that provide an exceptional user experience.


在silverlight中,如何创建对应于LINQ to SQL数据模型的域服务

这个问题也困扰了我两天的时间,最后在一本英文银光的原版书中找到问题所在了。因为少安装了一个toolkit,结果就是找不到。安装后就好了。这个文件不大,不到2M,微软官网上有下的,你百度一下就好了。RiaServicesToolkit,不安装的话,linq to sql建立的数据模型就是在这里找不到,网上的资料也不多。害我查了整整两天,希望能帮到你。虽然这个时间已经过去一年了,可其它地方也没有说清楚,还有人说这是个BUG,其实不是,只是我们的开发环境没有配置好而已。

context 由 Linq To SQL创建。

VS中选取Linq To SQL新建一个Linq To SQL模型文件 然后选择“工具”菜单下拉框“连接数据库”

“新建连接” 出现导航 设置好了下一步,设置好了下一步。

用鼠标直接拖拽 数据库表到Linq To SQL模型文件上就会自动生成代码。

有点省略了 希望没误子弟

this.DataContext = new DBContext();//DBContext()就是Linq To SQL模型文件生成的类。

你在使用Ria Services对吧, 可能这是它的bug, 我也遇到过此类现象, 无奈之下就是把那个模型删掉重新添加, 然后编译, 之后在创建Domain Service, 注意一定要编译, 否则domain service是找不到那个context的.

另外就是domain service目前还tnn的不支持 多对多 映射, 这对 Model First 来说是更大的麻烦.

关于silverlight sql数据库的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站。

来源地址:Silverlight与SQL数据库的兼容性及应用探究 (silverlight sql数据库)


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